Saturday, September 5, 2009

…Get Fun-Ayyyyyyyyyyyyy Yahhhhhhhhhhhhh

The Internets been down getting it fixed =/ so fewer posts as of late. anywaysssss

Well, a lot has happened in the last couple of days…specifically the first assembling of the goal patrol!!! It was just completely insane, I would say about two thousand students (if not more) all piled outside the east pavilion of Gampel CHOMPING AT THE BIT to cheer on the soccer team! Let me backtrack a little for a second, two of my friends were actually picked to be a part of the collection of people that chest-painted themselves with the letters “G-O-U-C-O-N-N-H-U-S-K-I-E-S-!” (they, who shall remain nameless out of respect, were the ‘G’ and ‘O’). Chills ran down every true-blue husky there as all two thousand people shouted in unison the Husky Cheer (Uconn! Huskies! Uconn! Huskies! Uconn! Huskies! Huskies! Uconn! WOOF!). After that inspiring chant, the masses of goal patrollers followed the lead of the "letters", some of which were running around at the front waving massive white and blue flags. The rest of the game, which we won two-nil vs St. Peters, was spent harassing the opponents team Carlos in every controversial way possible. We went after his Hispanic heritage (“I need someone to mow my lawn!”), questioned his manhood (when he was groveling on the ground in pain at a collision with one of our beast players), and bashed his girly attributes. It was a fuckin’ blast. The only downside is Toni Stahl didn’t play, hes too good for St. Peters. Next Up: # 24 Boston University

Today (Thursday) was hella fun too. Since Jimmy and I joined the Comedy Committee, we got a free t-shirt and helped put on “Subog Presents: Sebastion Manisculo”. Basically, Sebastion came to UConn and did standup for about an hour…the guy was mad funny haha. He had some good original Italian Jokes too, I encourage you to check him out lol. I’m starting a tradition, I will get the dvd/poster/picture of every comedian to come through UConn and have it autographed like I did with Sebastion's dvd today. That way, if they get famous I can say that I met the guy and prove it mwahaha

After that, we attempted to set up the loft for my bed in the room. Heres a picture of the room completely being restructured while trying to fix it.

Note to the reader: This is before we realized that the loft was meant for beds in North and unusable for beds in Northwest. The pegs were too far out!!! So we spent two hours taking the beds apart and moving them around for nothing. Luckily, Jimmy and Zoli and Jim mcgrath showed up and we bunked our beds so now we have a ton more space. Its gonna look great. Edit* It does look great lol

Finally, I just came back from the gym with Jimmy. We worked chest today, benched, dumbbell pressed etc etc. Also did a bitchin ab workout. The real story though is that we ran two 100’s at 12:15 at night. Now you might think…hey that’s really really really easy. However we almost threw up from the working out etc etc lol it was murder. That’s about it, party city tomorrow at carriage street =] ill keep ya posted

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