Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Eve


Should be an interesting drink for the New Years Eve party.

At any rate, odds are roughly 20-1 that I say "I want that purple stuff!" at least thirty times tonight.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Yo what it do, what it do lol. ahahaha

Ok, so I went to see Avatar in 3D a couple days ago. I wasn't really expecting anything great, I mean let's face it, the only other 3D movies that I had ever heard of were Spy Kids 3D and Ice Age 3D (both of which I did NOT attend). So, it was to be a new experience of sorts lol.

To give you, the reader, a reference point for this movie, it's basically the Blue Man Group meets Shaquille O'Neal meets Romeo and Juliet meets the trail of tears





I'm not going to lie, the movie was actually pretty good. Visually it was pretty sweet and even though the script really wasn't that great/plot kind of sucked it still managed to be worth the money. I hear it was the most expensive movie ever made, which would make sense because the 3D added a lot to the movie. Basically, it's worth the watch just for the effects. Chyeaaaaaaaa bOiiii

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, faithful Blogspotters!!

My gift to you: my last post pertaining to my 1st semester!!

Finals were truthfully veryy stressful. UConn does a lot of things to counteract this stress (or I should say our Health Education Office deals with this issue) and gives out hella stress-balls to people in the library, free massages, and this and that.

Authors Note: I'm convinced I was given the worst stress-ball in existence. It looks like an orange which is fully awesome, but when you try to squeeze it, it doesn't squoosh (squissh?). Like, it has just enough resistance where it pisses me off when I'm squeezing it ha! You know it's bad when your stress-balls are stressing you out!

Anyways, one brilliant kid decided that we were going to have a rave the Sunday before Finals week, and through the power of facebook we had over 5,000 confirmed guests haha, so my boys and I decided to check it out. We headed over to the Student Union that Sunday at 9, an hour before the start, and studied till about 15 minutes before it all went down. Being an employee at the Student Union (and by the power of my extreme boredom, a connoisseur of it...of sorts), I brought our stuff to a hidden, secret staircase so that no one would steal it.

As we were walking back down the stairs, we could hear this great host of people starting to yell and cause chaos, and stepping out onto the first floor we saw such a gathering of people lol, there must have been at least 4,000 kids crammed into SU! We rushed to the crowd to get a spot and everyone is doing chants like "Ole, Ole, Ole, Oleeeeeeee" and "We want music! *clap clap clap clap clap* lol

All of a sudden, some guy to my right taps my friend on the shoulder and motions to our group "Want to give me a lift? I'm going to crowd surf."

Fair enough, sir.

The strange thing about it though, was that he was wearing a full-on, purple tellytubby costume hahaha! We got him up, and then watched as he crowd surfed through the chaos hahaha.

At this point, the crowd let loose beach balls and stressballs from the library, which were thrown around from person to person at random, which gave us something to do as we waited for music. Out of the corner of my eye, a flash of purple catches my attention, and who is it but the purple tellytubby again!

Except this time, he was being crowd surfed up these stairs!! The people of UConn went absolutely nuts hahahaha !!! This is how legends are born.

It was nuts, the whole place was packed. Also, we saw the green man who is everywhere (just some guy in an all green costume lol) and once the music started playing everyone had a blast, great way to let off some steam, check it out on Youtube too if you're interested. HOLLAAAAA

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

UConn vs USF

I'll finally put up this post for Saturday Night...

Saturday rolls around, and what does UConn turn about a winter wonderland lol (no homo)

Literally it's a blizzard out there! What makes it more interesting is that we have a night football game at 8 o clock vs South Florida, a team completely opposite of UConn's style: they thrive in the warm weather, with a prolific passing offense while we do work in the cold with a powerful running game. My roomate and I were all set with tickets, being season ticket holders, however we were missing one thing--bus tickets.

Now, Uconn is different than a lot of other colleges in that our football stadium is probably thirty minutes off campus, so to compensate for this the university offers bus tickets for 4 bucks each that need to be purchased about 2 days in advance. It's such a pain to go down to the Ticket Office and get them though, so we decided to try our luck and wing it.

Pat and I headed down around six thirty because we heard from a floormate that the last bus always lets you in for free. Unfortunately for us, there was a huge line still to get on, so we decided just to go inside the student union and grab some hot chocolate before attempting to sneak on. Better warm and sneaky than cold and sneaky lol. So we head in, grab some coco, and come out, and what do we see but two girls sneaking onto a bus. Pat and I pulled our best Kronk impression (the body guard from Emperor's New Groove lmao)and snuck on after them.

We decided to lay low, but the Kraut was trying to make small talk as more and more people got on, finally it was just the 8 of us: the two girls, four guys, and my roomate and I. As I listened to their convo, it suddenly dawned on me--these were the ticket checkers! I texted Pat quickly to lay low lol and we started cracking up at the irony, and the bus took off for the game.

Jimmy, John, and Kati all grabbed front row seats and we took our place next to them, and started going crazy for UConn. The field looked really amazing in the snow flurries, if you can check out some pics of the game on UConn's website I would do so. It proved to be a sick game, South Florida scored a go-ahead touchdown with 40 seconds left to go up 27-26, but we stormed back and our terrible kicker pulled some late game heroics with a 42 yard field goal as time expired ftw! We saw ourselves on the video highlights (my roomate was in an orange coat, easy to spot) and everyone was going absolutely bananas!!! Such an epic win!!! Now we have a pretty sweet bowl game in Alabama vs. South Carolina! Let's go UConn!!

Jam of the Month

Ok, so this month we've had some intense competition for Steve Brown's Jam of the month. Some top contenders have been:

-My man Trey Songz absolutely killin it! in I Invented Sex (featuring Drake)

-Goddess Girl by a new favorite artist of mine, Famous (Swag)

-I Wanna Know Your Name by Famous

These are all great songs, but I just heard this song and I've listened to it like 15 times in a's so damn good.

And the winner is....If you leave by Musiq Soulchild featuring Mary J Blige!!!

It's already been decided that Mary J Blige has more swag than any other male or female on earth right now, and the vocals are crazyyyy

check it out here :


Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hey Love,
I want to hold you and talk to you,
Put my arm round your shoulder walk with you,
and I'm sincerely being honest,
you could be my goddess girl.
As soon as I placed my eyes on you,
I just knew that I had to step to you,
and I'm sincerely being honest,
you could be my goddess girlll

Stanley the Man-ley...or not

Friday Night started out at the meeting place of almost every party night: Jimmy's room. I'm not sure why, but for some reason that's the place to be lol--Im down, its a one minute walk from my room to his! Jimmy was actually staying in that night with the most perfectly acceptable excuse of all time, but Pat was having friends from Simsbury meet up with him and we were going out with them (by we I mean myself conner pat).

So, before we met up with them, Conner and I decided to play a fun little pregaming game involving Fifa 10. We took a shot every time we scored--which was a lot seeing as we were Brazil and the computer was the Korean Dragons lol! I was probably feeling it that night more than any other night in recent memory, which resulted in some embarrassing texts sent to people the next morning...if you got one just disregard it lol.

We headed over to Greenwich house to party (this place is a favorite of ours) and got on the dance floor. As we look over, we see a dark, hulking figure...which belonged to none other than Stanley Robinson!! He had a whole entourage of girls dancing with him, which I find weird because I'm pretty sure he's like married and with kids...not very respectable Stanley lol. Also, Conner touched his hand while Stanley was making out with some which he exclaimed "does that mean I actually made out with that girl? Or threeway kissed with a girl and Stanley?" lol!!

Every time a group of drunk people go out, there is always one person that ends up getting lost, or leaves without telling anyone at some point. That is just basically party law lol. I fulfilled that role Friday Night. For some reason, I wasn't feeling the dance party, so I decided to just follow my feet for the night. I headed out with a dying phone down the Seargent Peppers street, with the I Got A Feeling by the Black Eyed Peas song in my head lol, got back to the room, played some drunk fifa, then called up DP Dough for an awesome buffalo chicken calzone (made just spicy enough for me to like it, without being unable to handle it haha). Then I met back up with Conner and Pat and the group etc later on, an interesting night. Ill post the UConn-South Florida post later tonight, pce homies!

Thy Jingle Jameth

Finals are coming up! From today on, I need to study every day for them lol, as well as the rest of the UConn Student Body, which is why the last weekend massive partying was expected lol.

I guess I'll start off at the start of the (college) weekend haha, Thursday was Jingle Jam!! Lauren drove all of us up to Hartford for the most jammest of jingles and all the way there we pregamed and spit rhymes. I was actually surprised when we got into Hartford, the area around the XL Center was really nice! Nevertheless, there were a few shady cats lingering around the premises, such as one in particular.

As we start walking to the center, some sketchy black guy walks up to us and is like "Jingle Jam T-shirts for 10 bucks" and starts slyly walking away.

Now, I may not be the most street smart person in the world, but I was still a bit iffy on this possible purchase offer. However, it can be said that Jim is not lol,and he ran up to the guy and started haggling, so Conner, Jimmy, and I started following. This dude was a born hustler lol because he ended up selling each of us a T-Shirt! Not gonna lie though I'm pretty happy with the buy haha so it was worth it.

We get in the XL Center and find our seats...honestly they were like the farthest back seats imaginable lol, and we were the only white guys in there. However, it gave us a chance to get hyphy lol and we danced like the whole concert! Almost everyone was smokin mad weed which was pretty gross lol and one of the friends actually threw up from the smell lol! (thats an entirely different story though, text me if you want to know it) The performers were crazy, the crowd was live, and it was just an awesome night in general. Such an epic day to have my first Thirsty Thursday lol!!