Monday, March 8, 2010

Up, Up, and Up

Current Mood: Refreshed

I do enjoy company when I am falling asleep, having always lived in a room with someone, and with Geoff on his way back to Boston and my cats being intolerable creatures I turned on Old Reliable...aka TV.

I came across the 82nd Annual Academy Awards and decided that this show would do, and started to settle in for the night. As it went on though, I became more and more interested in who would take home the awards for Best Actor/Actress in a leading role and also which movie would win Best Picture of the Year. I've seen Avatar and I was hoping that another movie could dethrone it because I honestly wasn't as impressed as some of the knucklehead high school kids that go crazy about it in their facebook status'.

In short, I stayed up and watched most of the Award Show, which defeated my original goal of getting to sleep early. It was so worth it though! For those of you who did not see it, the Best Picture actually went to The Hurt Locker (never seen it) and Best Actors/Actress went to Jeff Bridges in Crazy Heart (never seen it) and Sandra Bullock in The Blind Side (never seen it either lmao shoot) respectively. It's really cool how they announce the Best Actor and Actress though, because they bring out five celebrities to talk about how awesome they are to work with and basically wish them luck one last time before the award is announced, making it pretty emotional. Cool Beans

Anyways, time to talk about my favorite part of the night, which brings me to the point of this post. The Category: Best Score, which in effect is best piece of music written by a composer for a film. Before they announced it, they had this sick portion of dancers that were dancing to the songs, like I wish I could find the video it was tight. Up took the crown home though, as well it should have, that song is so insanely sad and happy at the same time. It is truthfully the rightful winner and I don't think a more apt song could have been used for that movie. Congrats Woot!


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