Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Man, I have to say that college is such a crazy experience. It's not really the partying that I am talking about (although that of course is QUITE an experience), rather, the self-realization process that one undergoes. I feel like I've learned a lot about myself since my days in the 203.

For instance, I feel like I've become much more confident in social situations. I used to always have Geoff to talk to when things became boring in conversations, and sometimes I didn't feel the need to meet new people--I could just talk to Geoff instead. At UConn though, it's a necessity to meet new people and it's coming to me a lot easier than I thought it would be. Everyone has those moments during their senior year where they just freeze up and have a 5 second panic attack about the prospect to going off to college on their own, but it really isn't that bad when you get here.

Also, I feel like I was defined in high school as being an athlete, specifically being a track superstar and all state soccer player. In some ways I felt like I had to live up to these expectations at all times, and that didn't really allow me to just be myself except when I was with my true friends. At UConn though it's nothing like that, people don't even know that I did track at all! So, I'm pretty happy about that.

I've definitely changed in other ways too, and I feel like this is for the better. I see so many kids who come to college and they are completely different people--they smoke pot, they drink everyday, they become really bitchy and/or arrogant, and to me that is a damn shame. All I can really say is that I adhere to my morals that I feel are right, and nothings going to make me do things I don't want to do. I think it shows a lack of character to become someone you aren't just to impress others, that shouldn't be how things go.

Well, that's about it for this post, I've been doing a lot of thinking about that sort of thing lately. This was mainly more for me than anything lol.

But I'm pumped for Halloween!!

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