Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Relative to, and or including, that which shall be coined as "Bunked Beds"

Current Mood: Suspicious

Just a random thought I had last night lol...

Bunk Beds have been following me around throughout my whole life, much like how stank follows around Taco Bell eaters. I only have one conscious memory of living life sleeping without a canopy (of sorts) overhead, a fact that dawned on me last night while crawling into (what else?) my bunk bed. For those of you that don't know my sleeping situation in the past, I've always had the bottom bunk while Geoff preferred the top bunk.

Being on the bottom bunk is pretty sweet in my opinion, easy access to the ground, etc. However, it does play with your head a little bit. See, I don't know if it is just my bunk bed at home, or what the deal is, but every time Geoff used to climb up the ladder into bed it started creaking like a madman! Definitely enough to make me deliberate my chances of survival through the night should the top bunk somehow fall down onto me haha! Like, I cannot say enough how often I used to have visions of the top bunk crashing down on me and finding myself having to use superhuman strength to throw it off of me and escape ahhaaha. I'm surprised it lasted this long, here's to another couple years of holdin' up the Browns!

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