Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, faithful Blogspotters!!

My gift to you: my last post pertaining to my 1st semester!!

Finals were truthfully veryy stressful. UConn does a lot of things to counteract this stress (or I should say our Health Education Office deals with this issue) and gives out hella stress-balls to people in the library, free massages, and this and that.

Authors Note: I'm convinced I was given the worst stress-ball in existence. It looks like an orange which is fully awesome, but when you try to squeeze it, it doesn't squoosh (squissh?). Like, it has just enough resistance where it pisses me off when I'm squeezing it ha! You know it's bad when your stress-balls are stressing you out!

Anyways, one brilliant kid decided that we were going to have a rave the Sunday before Finals week, and through the power of facebook we had over 5,000 confirmed guests haha, so my boys and I decided to check it out. We headed over to the Student Union that Sunday at 9, an hour before the start, and studied till about 15 minutes before it all went down. Being an employee at the Student Union (and by the power of my extreme boredom, a connoisseur of it...of sorts), I brought our stuff to a hidden, secret staircase so that no one would steal it.

As we were walking back down the stairs, we could hear this great host of people starting to yell and cause chaos, and stepping out onto the first floor we saw such a gathering of people lol, there must have been at least 4,000 kids crammed into SU! We rushed to the crowd to get a spot and everyone is doing chants like "Ole, Ole, Ole, Oleeeeeeee" and "We want music! *clap clap clap clap clap* lol

All of a sudden, some guy to my right taps my friend on the shoulder and motions to our group "Want to give me a lift? I'm going to crowd surf."

Fair enough, sir.

The strange thing about it though, was that he was wearing a full-on, purple tellytubby costume hahaha! We got him up, and then watched as he crowd surfed through the chaos hahaha.

At this point, the crowd let loose beach balls and stressballs from the library, which were thrown around from person to person at random, which gave us something to do as we waited for music. Out of the corner of my eye, a flash of purple catches my attention, and who is it but the purple tellytubby again!

Except this time, he was being crowd surfed up these stairs!! The people of UConn went absolutely nuts hahahaha !!! This is how legends are born.

It was nuts, the whole place was packed. Also, we saw the green man who is everywhere (just some guy in an all green costume lol) and once the music started playing everyone had a blast, great way to let off some steam, check it out on Youtube too if you're interested. HOLLAAAAA

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