Sunday, October 18, 2009

She Got A Donkk Donkk Donkk

Yoooooooooooo dude so much to post!

Well I guess I'll start off with Thursday Night lol. For those of you that don't know the significance of homecoming week (I didn't either till a couple days ago), we basically have court voting that takes place from Monday to Wednesday, and then our highly popular, annual lip sync competition. When you think about it though, it's basically less of a sing off then it is a dance off, and the competitors were the four cultural centers in one category (Asian American, African American, Puerto Rican American, and the Rainbow center-because being gay is apparently a culture now lol) and the other category had all the fraternities.

Conner came up for the weekend and I have to say, it's the [second] best move by him to date. The "group" headed up to Gampel Pavilion and met up with some of Pat's girl friends (friends that are girls lol), one of them was actually really cute lol. Well, we were talking to them and all of a sudden, I look down and I see the most outrageous sight I've ever seen. Now, last year our high school president was gay, which was completely fine because he was hella funny and had swag lmao but what I see is this black girl absolutely breakin it down to She Got A Donkk by Soulja Boy.

Let me edit that, what I thought was a black girl lol was actually our runner up for Homecoming King, an outrageously gay black guy that was dancing hella girly lol and he was pullin out some crazy moves. Gampel would make such a great club because the bass that they had was literally shaking the whole Pavilion, you could literally feel it vibrating through your chest. We were cracking up watching this guy dance, he was literally humping the ground at some points lmao it was so freaken weird. Anyways, the competition got under way and it was amazing, the Asians held it down with an amazing dance routine lol they were like fuckin kabba modern from Americas Best Dance Crew. Also, the blacks represented, and the gays routine was just freaken weird but they could dance for sure. After that I crammed for a big bio exam that I actually did well on! On to friday...

Friday came around and we decided to hit up First Night, the Uconn's men and women's basketball's first night practice. It was off the wall. We went with essentially the same people that went to lip sync, and were mad pumped to meet the basketball team for the first time. Gampel was packed, and after waiting for a while the whole stadium went black.
Then they had a sick light show and started playing Thriller as loud as possible, listen to the beggining it was epic. As soon as it came on everyone stood up and I got the chills-it was amazing. The announcer then announced the players, they would get a huge applause lol and had their own theme music, so a lot of them started breakin it down. The basketball teams can dance so well its insane! Also, it is mad funny seeing 7 footers breakin it down hahaha

Friday night was pretty baller too but it was the typical stuff, and as for saturday...all im gonna say is hell yeah lol

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