Back to school for the final three weeks of first semester!
There really isn't a lot that needs to be done, besides preparing for finals...yikes. However, since I took three exams the week before thanksgiving break, there is a nice lack of homework for the time being. Being the good, organized student that I am (not), I finished the last journal for my FYE class, so all the work for that class is almost taken care of. Woot!
This weekend promises to be very interesting, because I haven't partied in a long time! I might dedicate either Saturday or Sunday to work though, because Thanksgiving Break cost me a lot more money than I thought, what with eating hella sushi, buying Christmas Gifts, and whatnot. That reminds me...I have to work tomorrow =/
For those of you that do not know, Tuesdays tend to be incredibly boring work days, so text me from 10-3 and make my day go by faster =]
All in all, my Thanksgiving Break kicked major ass!!! I got to see my cousins from Washington who are the ish, and hung out a lot with some friends. Regretfully, I would have liked to see some people more, but to be perfectly honest I have to put my family first, ya know? Like, I'm only going to see the mannis for maybe 2 weeks out of the whole year so it's really important to put them first priority even if it means sacrificing time with people I really care about too.
My internet clip of the week: Yung Mali aka Jamaal killin Cerrone on facebook with his diss video...he went hard!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Random Thought of the Day
Random Thought of Today: Man, does it suck liking someone more than they like you.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Jingle Jam
Yeah totally done with Calc exam!! 2 more to go!!
Also, time to talk about a matter of hella importance...JINGLE JAMMMMMMMMMM
Some of you may be confused, and thus prompted to ask such questions as:
"But Steve, what's Jingle Jam?
Is it some sort of Christmas Concert?
That you Jam to?
The answer to that would be...why yes. But that's a different Jingle Jam (taking place December 4th at UConn which I will NOT be attending). The Jingle Jam I'm talkin about is the real motha effin deal yo!
It's goin down Thursday, December 3rd at the XL Center in Hartford, sponsored by Hot 93.7! Basically, it is the livest concert in Connecticut because it features some real big name Rap/R+B Stars, with such guests this year as Omarion, Mario, Pitbull, Fabulous, Keri Hilson, Trey Songz, and much more! They are still announcing surprise guests that are going to be there every week, and I think they are saving some of the bigger names for last...can you say Drizzy Drake Rogers!?!?!?! (it's possible, he's on some of Trey's Tracks)
I'll be goin' with Jimmy, Conner, the Kraut (my roommate Pat lol) and's gonna be the bomb digg. I've been wanting to go to Jingle Jam since last year hahaha!
You can hear the many advertisements for it if you just listen to Hot 93.7 for 5 minutes.
This leads me to my next point: my official Club Banger Jam of the Month! This Month's winner is Everything, Everyday, Everywhere by Fabulous featuring Keri Hilson. I encourage you to check it out it's straight fire!
That's it for this post, till next time! (I'm actually keeping up with this blog pretty well lol)
Two more days till NH!!
Also, time to talk about a matter of hella importance...JINGLE JAMMMMMMMMMM
Some of you may be confused, and thus prompted to ask such questions as:
"But Steve, what's Jingle Jam?
Is it some sort of Christmas Concert?
That you Jam to?
The answer to that would be...why yes. But that's a different Jingle Jam (taking place December 4th at UConn which I will NOT be attending). The Jingle Jam I'm talkin about is the real motha effin deal yo!
It's goin down Thursday, December 3rd at the XL Center in Hartford, sponsored by Hot 93.7! Basically, it is the livest concert in Connecticut because it features some real big name Rap/R+B Stars, with such guests this year as Omarion, Mario, Pitbull, Fabulous, Keri Hilson, Trey Songz, and much more! They are still announcing surprise guests that are going to be there every week, and I think they are saving some of the bigger names for last...can you say Drizzy Drake Rogers!?!?!?! (it's possible, he's on some of Trey's Tracks)
I'll be goin' with Jimmy, Conner, the Kraut (my roommate Pat lol) and's gonna be the bomb digg. I've been wanting to go to Jingle Jam since last year hahaha!
You can hear the many advertisements for it if you just listen to Hot 93.7 for 5 minutes.
This leads me to my next point: my official Club Banger Jam of the Month! This Month's winner is Everything, Everyday, Everywhere by Fabulous featuring Keri Hilson. I encourage you to check it out it's straight fire!
That's it for this post, till next time! (I'm actually keeping up with this blog pretty well lol)
Two more days till NH!!
Monday, November 16, 2009
An Ipod is a must-have for college. About half of the people you see, at least on the UConn Campus, walking to class/at the gym all have them to pass the time. I, myself, have one and I use it way more than I did in North Haven, I almost didn't bring it!
I find myself listening to some pretty weird music walking around campus lmao, ranging from the metal ballads (thanks Jim and Conner), the Wicked Soundtrack, and all the way around to She Gotta Donkk lol. Not gonna lie, I would probably be embarrassed at some of these if other people could hear them haha, which prompts me to play this new game I've came up with...what's on other peoples' ipods haha. It's pretty fun, especially when I'm bored during lectures and have a window seat haha!
I just watched UP again last's so damn good!! Plus, it was in HD on my blue-ray capable Sony Vaio, so it looked even sweeter haha dibs! I really love this movie haha although I may be biased because of the company I kept when I saw it the first time =)
That's pretty much it, just thought I'd update quickly...This week is going to be murder for me. I have a Calc exam tomorrow, and then a Chem and Bio exam to round out the week on Friday (help!)
I find myself listening to some pretty weird music walking around campus lmao, ranging from the metal ballads (thanks Jim and Conner), the Wicked Soundtrack, and all the way around to She Gotta Donkk lol. Not gonna lie, I would probably be embarrassed at some of these if other people could hear them haha, which prompts me to play this new game I've came up with...what's on other peoples' ipods haha. It's pretty fun, especially when I'm bored during lectures and have a window seat haha!
I just watched UP again last's so damn good!! Plus, it was in HD on my blue-ray capable Sony Vaio, so it looked even sweeter haha dibs! I really love this movie haha although I may be biased because of the company I kept when I saw it the first time =)
That's pretty much it, just thought I'd update quickly...This week is going to be murder for me. I have a Calc exam tomorrow, and then a Chem and Bio exam to round out the week on Friday (help!)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Don't Trust A Kraut...
Last Night was supposed to be spent studying, while all of my friends partied hard at Carriage or something lol, but instead it resulted in our room being Party City lol!
I only got to study one chapter of Bio before it became pointless lol. Basically, we all headed to the Basketball game (which was sick!) and then afterwards headed to the Student Union. They were having some karaoke night like they do every friday, and we could not stop laughing at this one girl singin' Get Low, Baby Got Back, and Lip Gloss lol. Let's just say she wasn't the most attractive girl anyone's ever seen, and we shall leave it at that lol. Also, her musical dancer was that outrageously gay black guy from the Lip Sync Competition lmao and he was goin off the wall. Literally he was the only person dancing lol but he loved the attention...go figure haha. Also, we spotted Kwame Siriboe-Watson!!!
Then I headed back to my room (the other people went off a little earlier while I played a quick match of FIFA 2010 lol). I open the door and my room is completely dark lol, Conner and Pat are playing an intense game of FIFA 09, and Conner is talking Hellaaaaaaaa shit to pat the whole time. I send Jimmy a text that I'm at my room, and he shows up 5 minutes later with Zoli and Jim, who proceed to DJ the game and add to the trash talk.
I go up to the top bunk and try to continue to study lol, when I get another text--this time it's Zach. He wants to know what were up to so he heads up to the room too.
A little while after that, I get a text from some bitties and they head up as well lol so now theres like legit 10 people in my room, and we stop playing FIFA and start playing some music from the xbox. Literally, for the rest of the night we blared music and sang along/danced completely sober, at some points screaming out the lyrics lol! I don't know how we didn't get caught haha it was crazy up in Russell 303.
Also, one of my floormates stopped by and joined the dance party lol except he was kinda a scrub at dancing...he thought he was the shit and everyone was just like...oh yea thats sick...
Good kid though haha Conner and I were crackin up after it.
Also, we woke up and ate breakfast this morning and Conner and I made a new song about Pat. It goes: Don't Trust a Kraut, Never Trust a Kraut, Don't Trust a Kraut, Trust Me, which was coined due to a couple of reasons.
1) You just cant trust a Kraut lol
2) Pat's been saying he's gonna buy his own shampoo for a week but hasn't gotten around to it lmao which Conner found as hella bullshit (not really a big deal truthfully haha)
Oh and 3) Conner couldn't open his hardboiled egg with the plastic knife after asking Pat what the German way of opening it is.
Trivial, but funny all the same lol
I only got to study one chapter of Bio before it became pointless lol. Basically, we all headed to the Basketball game (which was sick!) and then afterwards headed to the Student Union. They were having some karaoke night like they do every friday, and we could not stop laughing at this one girl singin' Get Low, Baby Got Back, and Lip Gloss lol. Let's just say she wasn't the most attractive girl anyone's ever seen, and we shall leave it at that lol. Also, her musical dancer was that outrageously gay black guy from the Lip Sync Competition lmao and he was goin off the wall. Literally he was the only person dancing lol but he loved the attention...go figure haha. Also, we spotted Kwame Siriboe-Watson!!!
Then I headed back to my room (the other people went off a little earlier while I played a quick match of FIFA 2010 lol). I open the door and my room is completely dark lol, Conner and Pat are playing an intense game of FIFA 09, and Conner is talking Hellaaaaaaaa shit to pat the whole time. I send Jimmy a text that I'm at my room, and he shows up 5 minutes later with Zoli and Jim, who proceed to DJ the game and add to the trash talk.
I go up to the top bunk and try to continue to study lol, when I get another text--this time it's Zach. He wants to know what were up to so he heads up to the room too.
A little while after that, I get a text from some bitties and they head up as well lol so now theres like legit 10 people in my room, and we stop playing FIFA and start playing some music from the xbox. Literally, for the rest of the night we blared music and sang along/danced completely sober, at some points screaming out the lyrics lol! I don't know how we didn't get caught haha it was crazy up in Russell 303.
Also, one of my floormates stopped by and joined the dance party lol except he was kinda a scrub at dancing...he thought he was the shit and everyone was just like...oh yea thats sick...
Good kid though haha Conner and I were crackin up after it.
Also, we woke up and ate breakfast this morning and Conner and I made a new song about Pat. It goes: Don't Trust a Kraut, Never Trust a Kraut, Don't Trust a Kraut, Trust Me, which was coined due to a couple of reasons.
1) You just cant trust a Kraut lol
2) Pat's been saying he's gonna buy his own shampoo for a week but hasn't gotten around to it lmao which Conner found as hella bullshit (not really a big deal truthfully haha)
Oh and 3) Conner couldn't open his hardboiled egg with the plastic knife after asking Pat what the German way of opening it is.
Trivial, but funny all the same lol
Thursday, November 12, 2009
One more day till Friday!
Thirsty Thursdays hollaaaa!
Ok, not so much lol, but as Mr. Mac taught me, you always have to start out with one of those attention grabbers.
So, right now I'm taking a break from studying Biology, and I decided to update this thing for the people to see how I'm doin.
Just keepin' it trill lol.
I just found out about Pandora, it's pretty sweet! I'm listening to the Drake station and it's actually really good, I miss listening to the radio (Hot 93.7 represent!) back home. You never really get a chance to listen to it up here because you're never in a car driving around campus. Speaking of being in the 203, I can't wait to go back and catch up with everyone! It seems like college is seperate from the real world at times lol and when I get back to NH it's nice to just relaxxxxxxxxx
Also, random update: some kid just kicked open the door to the study, drunk off his ass lol, and sat down and started eating some skittles lmao. The person he was with was like "Omg sorry sorry !!" and had to like forcibly remove him from the room lmao.
Gotta love UConn.
Ok, not so much lol, but as Mr. Mac taught me, you always have to start out with one of those attention grabbers.
So, right now I'm taking a break from studying Biology, and I decided to update this thing for the people to see how I'm doin.
Just keepin' it trill lol.
I just found out about Pandora, it's pretty sweet! I'm listening to the Drake station and it's actually really good, I miss listening to the radio (Hot 93.7 represent!) back home. You never really get a chance to listen to it up here because you're never in a car driving around campus. Speaking of being in the 203, I can't wait to go back and catch up with everyone! It seems like college is seperate from the real world at times lol and when I get back to NH it's nice to just relaxxxxxxxxx
Also, random update: some kid just kicked open the door to the study, drunk off his ass lol, and sat down and started eating some skittles lmao. The person he was with was like "Omg sorry sorry !!" and had to like forcibly remove him from the room lmao.
Gotta love UConn.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
A Random Wednesday Post
Totally saw Toni Stahl eating dinner at South today, it was awesome! (no homo lol)
Also, procrastinating so much right now, I really don't want to study for my three exams next week, but I have to soon. I am actually gonna take this weekend off from partying and buckle down, I can sacrifice one weekend if it will help my gpa out a little.
Check out Lil Wayne's new mixtape No Ceilings, it has "more fire than a dragon fight" lol
Also, procrastinating so much right now, I really don't want to study for my three exams next week, but I have to soon. I am actually gonna take this weekend off from partying and buckle down, I can sacrifice one weekend if it will help my gpa out a little.
Check out Lil Wayne's new mixtape No Ceilings, it has "more fire than a dragon fight" lol
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
(Half) Weekend in the 203
Holla back!
Just got my H1N1 flu vaccination haha (aka swine flu)!! I was just working my job, walking around the Student Union and one of the nurses spotted me and gave a whole presentation telling me to get it lol, so I ran into the clinic during my break to quickly get it. I was a little nervous lol, because those of you that know me well know that needles are not up on my list of favorite things (especially not finger pricks lol!) and I've never actually volunteered to get a shot haha.
Thankfully, I filled out the paperwork, walked up to the nurse, who then told me I was getting the nasal vaccine haha ftw! So bring on the flu!
Half of my weekend was spent at UConn, which unfortunately was soooo dead. To make matters worse, Providence beat us in the second round of the soccer was some effin hella bullshit!!!! They played like such pansies, dropping every player but one striker back for the whole game, they were obviously playing for penalty kicks. Unfortunately, it turned out to be one of those games when nothing goes in, and they got one lucky break in sudden death overtime to take the game.
The other half was spent relaxing at home, I left at like 11 Sunday morning and went back to UConn Tuesday morning. Don't be offended if I didn't hit you up to hangout lol, I really needed some time to just relax and be with the family...THANKSGIVING BREAK SOON! It was nice being at home, UConn is so hectic with all the work and friends to hangout with, it's nice to just escape for a little bit.
Also, I went to the North Haven girl's state soccer game!! It was pretty sick lol I really wanted to make at least one game this year and I finally got around to seeing them win! Jess drained a top of the box, lob shot over the keepers head for the game winner with about 20 to go, nice job! Terrible officiating though, one of the guys looked like he should have been drinking prune juice at a diner or something he was so old. Anyways, it made my day =]
That's about it, just workin for the weekend right now lol
Just got my H1N1 flu vaccination haha (aka swine flu)!! I was just working my job, walking around the Student Union and one of the nurses spotted me and gave a whole presentation telling me to get it lol, so I ran into the clinic during my break to quickly get it. I was a little nervous lol, because those of you that know me well know that needles are not up on my list of favorite things (especially not finger pricks lol!) and I've never actually volunteered to get a shot haha.
Thankfully, I filled out the paperwork, walked up to the nurse, who then told me I was getting the nasal vaccine haha ftw! So bring on the flu!
Half of my weekend was spent at UConn, which unfortunately was soooo dead. To make matters worse, Providence beat us in the second round of the soccer was some effin hella bullshit!!!! They played like such pansies, dropping every player but one striker back for the whole game, they were obviously playing for penalty kicks. Unfortunately, it turned out to be one of those games when nothing goes in, and they got one lucky break in sudden death overtime to take the game.
The other half was spent relaxing at home, I left at like 11 Sunday morning and went back to UConn Tuesday morning. Don't be offended if I didn't hit you up to hangout lol, I really needed some time to just relax and be with the family...THANKSGIVING BREAK SOON! It was nice being at home, UConn is so hectic with all the work and friends to hangout with, it's nice to just escape for a little bit.
Also, I went to the North Haven girl's state soccer game!! It was pretty sick lol I really wanted to make at least one game this year and I finally got around to seeing them win! Jess drained a top of the box, lob shot over the keepers head for the game winner with about 20 to go, nice job! Terrible officiating though, one of the guys looked like he should have been drinking prune juice at a diner or something he was so old. Anyways, it made my day =]
That's about it, just workin for the weekend right now lol
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Another good thing about UConn--the weekends are always fun regardless of how drunk one is. I had a great time going to the movies (fo' free) and seeing this movie adventureland with my people. It was just chill, we talked and relaxed, and Jimmy and I were hella hyper. We were just off the wall in a weird mood that we termed as "post dystrophic syndrome lol" which basically just means feelin good after workin out. It was a nice start to the weekend, and I definitely needed it after all the stressin I've been doin in the past week.
It seems like quite a bit of people went home this weekend, my roommate included lol which is nice in a way. I actually might be headed back to North Haven tomorrow morning, I'm going to go see the Wethersfield-NH soccer game on Monday...might be tougher to make than I thought at first, but I can't screw this up.
This morning was sick too because the Sunderland-Tottenham game was on this morning at ten!!! It was pretty epic, the caliber of the premiership is exceptional, better than I expected, Sunderland plays soccer with real pace and crispness.
This post is all over the place--allow me to bring it back to last night. Apparently, Jimmy's roommate Ben and this fat kid Devin tried what they called "the thirty challenge". This consisted of the two of them drinking a whole thirty rack each lol from 1 pm to 12 am. Children, I must warn you not to partake in this, honestly it was retarded, however they are heavy drinkers so they actually made it out alright lol. Devin is pretty belligerent when drunk and the whole room smelled like beer, Ben passed out too so it was just kinda crazy (and slightly pathetic). TO be honest, if I did something like that I'd be dead or severely alcohol poisoned lol but they drink so much that they managed to get out ok. Kudos I guess lol!
It seems like quite a bit of people went home this weekend, my roommate included lol which is nice in a way. I actually might be headed back to North Haven tomorrow morning, I'm going to go see the Wethersfield-NH soccer game on Monday...might be tougher to make than I thought at first, but I can't screw this up.
This morning was sick too because the Sunderland-Tottenham game was on this morning at ten!!! It was pretty epic, the caliber of the premiership is exceptional, better than I expected, Sunderland plays soccer with real pace and crispness.
This post is all over the place--allow me to bring it back to last night. Apparently, Jimmy's roommate Ben and this fat kid Devin tried what they called "the thirty challenge". This consisted of the two of them drinking a whole thirty rack each lol from 1 pm to 12 am. Children, I must warn you not to partake in this, honestly it was retarded, however they are heavy drinkers so they actually made it out alright lol. Devin is pretty belligerent when drunk and the whole room smelled like beer, Ben passed out too so it was just kinda crazy (and slightly pathetic). TO be honest, if I did something like that I'd be dead or severely alcohol poisoned lol but they drink so much that they managed to get out ok. Kudos I guess lol!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Nikh Bowl!
Yoooo who's pumped for nikh bowl!
Legit I can't wait! Firstly, because I'll be back home on Thanksgiving Break. It's relaxing being home, I have to say. Secondly, because I get to see my friends from high school playing sports hahah. I'm gonna be goin shirtless along with Jimmy for Amy and Sarah, if you want your number on me and you are a senior girl lol just holla at me. We've been hitting up the gym everyday in preparation lol--we can't go shirtless lookin like scrubs! Although I have to admit it's going to be freezing. That's the one downside.
At least this time it's a home game haha! Don't want a repeat of last years disaster.
Legit I can't wait! Firstly, because I'll be back home on Thanksgiving Break. It's relaxing being home, I have to say. Secondly, because I get to see my friends from high school playing sports hahah. I'm gonna be goin shirtless along with Jimmy for Amy and Sarah, if you want your number on me and you are a senior girl lol just holla at me. We've been hitting up the gym everyday in preparation lol--we can't go shirtless lookin like scrubs! Although I have to admit it's going to be freezing. That's the one downside.
At least this time it's a home game haha! Don't want a repeat of last years disaster.
No Shave November
The first time I heard about "No Shave November" was when I walked past one of my floor mate's doors. On it was a piece of paper that said "NO SHAVE NOVEMBER" and a list of names underneath. Apparently the first one to shave owes all of the other names on the list like a thirty rack or something.
Now, I may not be interested in that aspect of the deal, however this provided me with some food for thought. What would I look like with a beard lol? So, I've decided to conduct a little experiment with myself as to how I would look with one.
I know what some of you may be thinking...Steve, don't be a tool lol. I know a beard on me is gonna look ridiculous haha, but if my dad can pull off the mutton chops, who knows lol and it's not like im going out of my way to impress anyone at Uconn. Currently I'm on day 6.
Now, I may not be interested in that aspect of the deal, however this provided me with some food for thought. What would I look like with a beard lol? So, I've decided to conduct a little experiment with myself as to how I would look with one.
I know what some of you may be thinking...Steve, don't be a tool lol. I know a beard on me is gonna look ridiculous haha, but if my dad can pull off the mutton chops, who knows lol and it's not like im going out of my way to impress anyone at Uconn. Currently I'm on day 6.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
lol got emmmmmmmmm nah I'm not really gonna talk about Halloween because it's already been a week, all I'm gonna say is that the whole weekend was the shitttt
The Uconn men and women's team for basketball are starting up! Both our exhibition games have been played, with the men winning like 123-67 and the women winning something like 100-32 lol! Get pumpeddddddddddd
In soccer news, we clinched a share of the Big East regular season title! Jim, Pat, and I all stormed the field with the rest of the fans as they took multiple photos, you can kind of see my head in one of them (number 27 in the gallery, towards the right) but for some reason im looking to my left, camera's right, so good luck trying to find it. I would put it in here and circle it but I need to buy the rights =/ for like 15.99...Eff that! This will build character haha. We nabbed some grass from the field and it currently is residing on top of our microwave =]
yea, i know, its kinda weird but thats how we roll lol check it

I'm gonna be updating this more often from now on lol I apologize
I can't wait for Thanksgiving Break!!
The Uconn men and women's team for basketball are starting up! Both our exhibition games have been played, with the men winning like 123-67 and the women winning something like 100-32 lol! Get pumpeddddddddddd
In soccer news, we clinched a share of the Big East regular season title! Jim, Pat, and I all stormed the field with the rest of the fans as they took multiple photos, you can kind of see my head in one of them (number 27 in the gallery, towards the right) but for some reason im looking to my left, camera's right, so good luck trying to find it. I would put it in here and circle it but I need to buy the rights =/ for like 15.99...Eff that! This will build character haha. We nabbed some grass from the field and it currently is residing on top of our microwave =]
yea, i know, its kinda weird but thats how we roll lol check it

I'm gonna be updating this more often from now on lol I apologize
I can't wait for Thanksgiving Break!!
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